Publikováno: 23. 1. 2025 11:18
Autor: Mgr. Marie Marek


The Centre for Lifelong Learning at the VŠPJ offers a new continuing education programme to deepen and broaden professional competencies (upskilling).

The programme has been developed in the framework of the project National Renewal Plan for the Higher Education Sector:NPO_VŠPJ_MSMT-16592/2022; 3.2.1 Transformation of Higher Education Institutions.

Educational programme aimed at increasing professional competencies in the social field:

Art therapy with a focus on the elderly

is a pilot project sponsored by the Department of Social Work of the University of Applied Sciences. It was created on the basis of the results of the analysis of educational needs and requirements of representatives of the application sphere in the Vysočina Region.

The educational programme Art therapy with a focus on the elderly is primarily intended for workers in social services and social workers. The format of the training is flexible, adapted to the workload and capabilities of the learners. The training is partly full-time and partly online.

The proof of completed training is a microcertificate, which is in accordance with national standardization and European recommendations. The document can be shared with other entities in the field of education and the labour market, both in the Czech Republic and abroad. The document also serves for the recognition of learning achievements in further studies.

Last available places in the course.


  • Who is the training for?

The training is aimed at social health care workers, social workers and carers.

  • Objective of training

The aim of the training programme is to provide participants with a self-directed and practical experiential programme focusing on the use of selected art therapy methods when working with older people (age 65+). Graduates will use the methods learned in their work in health and social services or with their family members. The educational program is a supportive tool for improving the quality of practice in the social field, the basic goal of which is to realize the complexity of social interaction and communication, the different perception of the world with respect for the uniqueness of human personality, the discovery of the potential of their own growth and the existence of their own limits.

  • Scope of Education

The educational program is conducted in two full-time teaching blocks (2 times a weekend). The program includes 17 thematic activities leading to practical training of 12 art therapy methods focused on working with seniors.  The content of the practical part of the training is a presentation, practical training of art therapy methods on your own person, teaching the basics of communication with clients and 2-hour individual practice with client (senior). The content of the theoretical part is individually guided self-study of the participant. The study materials include the basics of social gerontology and examples of art therapy methods designed for work with seniors.

  • Scope and forms of education

The training program includes 32 hours of intensive training that can be completed within 3 months. internship training in the scope of 32 teaching hours is based on practical training of selected art therapy methods, self-study part will allow the participant to individually learn and practice the acquired knowledge and skills at his/her own pace in the learning environment of the VŠPJ - LMS Moodle.

  • Term and place of training

The training program will be implemented in 2 dates: 1. in the period November 2023 - January 2024; 2. in the period March 2024 -  May 2024. The pre-session part of the training in the scope of 32 teaching hours will be divided into 2 teaching blocks - (2 weekends - Saturday and Sunday, total 4 days x 8 teaching hours). The teaching will take place in the interactive classroom of the VŠPJ (Tolstého 16, Jihlava), or outdoors. The timetable is published on the website under the "Timetable" tab.

  • End of education

The participant is required to complete 100% of the full-time instruction and 2 hours of individual practice with the selected senior. The training is completed with a colloquium on the completed individual practice, where the participant demonstrates the acquired knowledge and skills from the completed training program. Successful graduates will receive proof of the training result in the form of a microcertificate. 

  • Cost of education

Price for the pilot verification of the educational program Art Therapy with a focus on the elderly = 2 200 CZK. Payment is made by bank transfer according to the payment regulations sent by the organizers - about a week after the closing of e-applications. The estimated price for the following years will be a minimum of 13,000 CZK.

  • Sign up for training

Application for the training programme will commence in September 2023 via an online application form. The maximum capacity of the pilot program is 15-18 participants (the program will be open with a minimum of 10 participants). Admission is determined by the date of submission of the application form and the fulfilment of the admission requirements (see below). Participation in the training programme does not require passing an entrance exam.

Acceptance to the training programme is not required.

  • Conditions for admission

An applicant for the training programme must have completed at least secondary general or vocational education culminating in a matriculation examination. Exceptions may be granted in individual cases.

Before submitting an application, we recommend reading the Study and Business Conditions

Contact us for further questions:

Mgr. Marie Marek, head of CCV
Centre for Lifelong Learning of the VŠPJ
tel.: 567 141 144, mob. 602 525 506


Get in touch with us

Vysoká škola polytechnická Jihlava
Tolstého 16
586 01 Jihlava

IČ: 71226401
DIČ: CZ71226401

Phone: +420 567 141 111
Fax: +420 567 300 727
Mailbox ID: w9ej9jg

Contact point of the Rector's Office
Monika Jonášová

Study Department
Phone: +420 567 141 181

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