Research and projects
Publikováno: 20. 8. 2013 11:09
Autor: Ing. Radek Bělík

Development projects

Every year, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS) announces development programmes for public universities.

The aim of the development programmes is to contribute to the implementation of the individual priorities set out in the Ministry's Long-Term Plan and its Update for the relevant year.

Development Programmes are announced for under two headings:

A. Institutional Development Programme (IDP)

Under the Institutional Development Programme, the MoEYS may provide a grant to a public higher education institution, the maximum amount of which is determined by calculating an indicative limit. The distribution of these funds is conditional upon the submission and discussion of the college's IRP with the MoEYS.

Through the IRP, the college declares its intention to achieve specific goals that it sets for each year based on the Long Term Plan and its Update for that year. The IRP contains a proposal of the observable performance indicators and their target values to be achieved in a given year. As of 2012, the IRP completely replaces the existing decentralized development projects that public universities submitted annually along with updates to their Long-Term Plans.

B. Centralised Development Programmes

Under the centralised development programmes, the MoEYS may provide a subsidy to a public higher education institution taking into account the outcome of the evaluation of submitted project applications carried out by the Programme Council consisting of representatives of the MoEYS, the Czech Rectors' Conference and the Council of Higher Education Institutions. Two or three development programmes are announced each year, to which project applications can be submitted. The number of project applications that each public university can submit is limited in each programme. The projects submitted should be based on an analysis of the activities and results of the public universities over the past period and can be implemented either in the form of cooperation between universities (consortia) or independently.

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