Research and projects
Publikováno: 24. 8. 2011 07:39
Autor: Ing. Petra Kopicová

Development projects implemented in 2010

Expansion and Innovation of IT at VŠPJ

grant degree: Decentralized Development Project
period of implementation: January 2010 - November 2010

Nowadays, it is necessary to handle electronic data appropriately, store it and back it up in the long term. The requirement of the times is to create a disaster and recovery plan in IT and a system of efficient and advanced data backup, storage and processing. This includes the acquisition of tape backup of physical data storage and its virtualization. The increasing demands of employers for knowledge and skills in new communication and presentation techniques of graduates of HEIs requires the acquisition of appropriate multimedia equipment for the classroom dedicated to the teaching of the Multimedia subject, the Multimedia Communication subject and the Multimedia Presentation subject.

project leader: Ing. Jakub Novotný, Ph.D.
total amount: 3 571 000 CZK

Improving the preparation of applications for accreditation at public non-university universities

grant degree: Development project centralized - coordinator of the whole project Polytechnic College Jihlava
period of implementation: January 2010 - December 2010

The aim of the project is to develop internal procedures for non-university colleges in developing accreditation materials. This is done by setting up internal mechanisms for procedures at each of the two public universities with an emphasis on quality and efficiency. Furthermore, through a joint internal evaluation committee that will evaluate and assess the accreditation materials at each stage of their preparation.

project leader: Mgr. Alena Štěrbová
total amount: 496 000 CZK
project partner: College of Technology and Economics in České Budějovice

Developing infrastructures for exploiting similarities between student work and resources on the Internet

grant title: Development project centralized - coordinator of the whole project Masaryk University
period of implementation: January 2010 - December 2010

The main objectives of the centralized development project are: analysis of the current state of the local environment and preparation for the creation of a comprehensive infrastructure, conclusion of a bilateral contract, creation of a comprehensive infrastructure (organizational conditions for the flat insertion of works or involvement of other sites, technological provision of the local repository including modifications), testing of searches against the Internet, correction of operation, export/import of data in the flat deployment from the sites, routine operation and systematic control of similar files (search for plagiarism).

subpart leader:
PaedDr. František Smrčka, Ph.D.
subpart amount:
140 000 CZK

Development of U3V education for seniors at Czech universities

grant title: Development project centralized - coordinator of the whole project Brno University of Technology
period of implementation: January 2010 - December 2010

The main objectives of the centralized development project are: innovation of the existing course Lifestyle of the elderly, where the teaching will be extended by one semester and the introduction of completely new courses Settlement of the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands from the perspective of archaeology and Genealogy - genealogy. The project includes the creation of the content of the new semester of the course Lifestyle of the elderly and the creation of curricula for the two new courses, the purchase of equipment, teaching aids and materials, and the creation of syllabi for the new courses.

subpart leader:
Sarka Venkrbcová
part amount:
294 000 CZK
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Contact point of the Rector's Office
Monika Jonášová

Study Department
Phone: +420 567 141 181

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